Clumsy Owl: 7-inch mix

Well, with 5 days remaining to play with Traktor before it requires registration, I am inspired to squeeze out a few more mixes. Here’s a mix of 7-inch records that I have collected over the last few years (mixed as mp3s). Mainly from labels Memphix and Rehash, but not limited to those.


download: Clumsy_Owl_7-inch_mix.mp3 (49.93MB)


  1. Number Four – Rehash
  2. Sedation – Decaf
  3. Silent Lioness – Micky Ritter
  4. Double Navaho – Express Rising
  5. Somebody’s Birthday – Express Rising
  6. Bell Of The Beast – Meaty Ogre
  7. Buy, Sell, Tirade – Express Rising
  8. Naples Deli – Marrow of the Mind
  9. Borrowed (For Miles and Vertebrae) – Age (Snufone) of Skrunchface Projects
  10. 88 to Rochelle – Marrow of the Mind
  11. Exclamatory Reaction – Eggplant Moustafa & Mofuggio Mufungo
  12. Clumsy Owl – Express Rising
  13. Forrest Of Small Trees – Mr. Bambu
  14. Morning – Rehash
  15. Time and Time Again – Express Rising

8 Replies to “Clumsy Owl: 7-inch mix”

  1. Hey homie:

    Just wanted to say really nice mix and thanks for the support on the 7in too:)
    (My buddy Carl”Dextah” and Myself”age”) but out that 7in’ not too long ago.
    It’s nice to see people like yourself dig it.Thanks again and I hope all is well homie!I will let you know when more stuff comes out soon!Again, thanks for your time and peace homie!!

    Much peace and respect:

  2. Nice work on this one, came across while doing some random trolling around for memphix… but I think the tracklist is a bit scant no? Like 88 to Roshelle (killer 7 for sure) ends around 22min then seems to be like 4-5 tracks in there before clumsy owl kicks in around 33:20… I’d really love to know what I’m hearing there. Again, nice job, this mix is probably pretty unique given the scope, stuff is pretty low on the radar afterall– or so limited that it precludes any greater audience. Love to hear from you on those mystery tracks….

  3. Thanks, Seeping.

    Actually, the track after 88 to Roshelle is by the commenter above you! It happens to have a number of sections, which is probably why it sounds like 4-5 tracks.

    Believe me, I am not THAT skilled a mixer. It’s one track, with sections. When the next track comes in, you can hear the tempos clash a bit.

  4. Hey Edmond, appreciate the reply, OK gotcha, there’s still something no quite right with the tracklisting, as far as I can tell it ought to be something along these lines…

    08 – Naples Deli – Marrow of the Mind
    09 – Borrowed (For Miles and Vertebrae) – Age (Snufone) of Skrunchface Projects
    10 – 88 to Rochelle – Marrow of the Mind
    11 – Exclamatory Reaction – Eggplant Moustafa & Mofuggio Mufungo (~22:05-24:30)
    12 – Clumsy Owl – Express Rising (~24:30-26:30)
    13 – Forrest Of Small Trees – Mr. Bambu (~26:30-30:00)
    14 – ??? (30:00-33:20)
    15 – Time and Time Again – Express Rising (33:20-End)

    What is the track from 30:00-33:20? Is it the Rehash track you had listed as track 9? Whatever it is it’s sublime as hell…

  5. And what a prize it is! Thanks a lot man, seems those old rehash records are real tough to come by these days… well, I suppose they always were. Incidentally, looks like rehash has a new 12” available, it’s up at turntablelab now. I’m certainly not going to sleep and lose out on this one…

  6. Thanks. This is seriously enjoyable. The Express Rising album is a classic and thanks for putting me onto Rehash. I’ve given this mix some love over at

    Any chance of another in this vein ?

  7. Thanks, Coatsey!

    I am getting ready to move out of state, so I probably won’t be making mixes for a while.

    Thanks for the support at solesides. Check the site or subscribe to the RSS to hear about new mixes.

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