I just finished the most painless server transition I’ve ever experienced.
My hosting deal with godaddy was about to renew, so I looked around for another deal, and I ended up going with bluehost.com. Here’s the vitals:
- 300 Gigabyte Hosting Space
- Host Unlimited Domains
- 2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts
- 3,000 GIGS of Transfer
- SSH (Secure Shell), SSL, FTP, Stats
- CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL
$7.95/month when you buy a year. $6.95 if you buy two years.
I used Transmit (www.panic.com) to synchronize all files from my old host to a local folder, and then just synchronized from the local folder to my new host!
Both hosts offer phpMyAdmin, so it was easy to export my data from one host and import to the other.
Done within a few hours.